A parallel adaptive pseudo transient Newton-Krylov-Schwarz (a?NKS) method for the solution of compressible flows is presented.\r\nMultidimensional upwind residual distribution schemes are used for space discretisation, while an implicit time-marching scheme\r\nis employed for the discretisation of the (pseudo)time derivative. The linear system arising from the Newton method applied to the\r\nresulting nonlinear system is solved by the means of Krylov iterations with Schwarz-type preconditioners. A scalable and efficient\r\ndata structure for the (a?NKS procedure is presented.The main computational kernels are considered, and an extensive analysis is\r\nreported to compare the Krylov accelerators, the preconditioning techniques. Results, obtained on a distributed memory computer,\r\nare presented for 2D and 3D problems of aeronautical interest on unstructured grids.